65 nothing is Permanent quotes – The Power of Impermanence

nothing is permanent quotes

Welcome to our blog post on the profound wisdom about nothing is permanent quotes. In a world that often craves stability and permanence, it can be enlightening to explore the beauty and truth found in embracing change and letting go. From famous quotes that remind us of life’s fleeting nature to lessons we can learn from nature itself.

In this article will delve into the paradoxical relationship between impermanence and permanence. Join us as we uncover the power of finding peace through accepting the transience of life. So sit back, relax, and prepare to expand your perspective on what it means for nothing to be permanent!

65 nothing is permanent quotes

1. “Change is the only constant in life.”

2. “Everything is temporary, even the bad times.”

3. “Life is like a river, constantly flowing and changing.”

4. “The only thing that is permanent is impermanence.”

5. “Time changes everything, nothing stays the same.”

nothing is permanent quotes

6. “The only thing that is certain is uncertainty.”

7. “Nothing lasts forever, enjoy the moment while it lasts.”

8. “Life is a journey, not a destination.”

9. “The only constant in life is change.”

10. “Everything is fleeting, even the good times.”

11. “All things must pass, nothing stays forever.”

12. “Life is a series of changes, embrace them all.”

13. “The only thing that is permanent is the present moment.”

14. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of life.”

15. “The only thing that is permanent is the cycle of life.”

16. “Life is a never-ending cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.”

17. “Nothing stays the same, everything changes.”

18. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of everything.”

nothing is permanent quotes

19. “Change is inevitable, growth is optional.”

20. “Life is a constant state of flux.”

21. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of nature.”

22. “Every ending is a new beginning.”

23. “Nothing is forever, except change.”

24. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the universe.”

25. “Life is a rollercoaster of ups and downs.”

26. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of emotions.”

27. “Life is a dance, and everything is constantly moving.”

28. “Everything is temporary, except for the memories we create.”

29. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of relationships.”

30. “Life is a journey, enjoy the ride while it lasts.”

nothing is permanent quotes

31. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of time.”

32. “Change is the only thing that is constant in this world.”

33. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the seasons.”

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34. “Life is a puzzle, and everything is constantly changing.”

35. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the weather.”

36. “Life is a canvas, and every stroke is a new beginning.”

37. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the universe.”

38. “Everything is temporary, even the things we hold dear.”

39. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the human experience.”

40. “Life is a journey, make the most of every moment.”

nothing is permanent quotes

41. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the physical world.”

42. “Change is the only thing that is constant, embrace it.”

43. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the natural world.”

44. “Life is a story, and every chapter is a new beginning.”

45. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the universe.”

46. “Everything is temporary, even the memories we hold dear.”

47. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the human condition.”

48. “Life is a journey, enjoy the scenery along the way.”

49. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the physical body.”

50. “Change is the only thing that is certain in this world.”

nothing is permanent quotes

51. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the natural order.”

52. “Life is a rollercoaster, enjoy the ride while it lasts.”

53. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the universe.”

54. “Everything is temporary, even the things we think will last forever.”

55. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the spiritual journey.”

56. “Life is a journey, make the most of every step.”

57. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the human soul.”

58. “Change is the only thing that is guaranteed in life.”

59. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the natural world.”

60. “Life is a journey, enjoy the detours along the way.”

nothing is permanent quotes

61. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the human mind.”

62. “Everything is temporary, even the things we think define us.”

63. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the universe.”

64. “Life is a journey, make the most of every twist and turn.”

65. “The only thing that is permanent is the impermanence of the human experience.”

Famous Quotes About Impermanence

1. “Change is the only constant.” – Heraclitus
This timeless quote from the ancient Greek philosopher reminds us that everything in life is subject to change. From our relationships to our circumstances, nothing remains fixed or permanent.

2. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts
Alan Watts beautifully captures the essence of embracing change as a harmonious rhythm of life. Instead of resisting or fearing it, we can choose to flow with the currents and find joy in navigating through transitions.

3. “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality.” – Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu’s profound wisdom encourages us to let go of resistance and simply accept what unfolds naturally. By surrendering control over every aspect of our lives, we can find peace amidst uncertainty.

4. “Impermanence is not something negative but something precious.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that impermanence holds its own unique value in teaching us important lessons about appreciation and letting go. It allows space for growth, transformation, and new beginnings.

5. “Every moment alters what came before; all secrets evaporate.” – Molly Peacock
Molly Peacock’s poetic words highlight how each passing moment has the power to reshape our past experiences and dissolve any illusions we may hold onto tightly.

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Embracing Change and Letting Go

Life is a constant flow of change. From the moment we are born, we embark on a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. It’s easy to become attached to the familiar, to cling onto what we know because it brings us comfort and security. But when we resist change, we limit our growth and prevent ourselves from experiencing new possibilities.

Letting go is not always easy. We often hold onto things that no longer serve us – relationships, beliefs, possessions – out of fear or habit. But by embracing change and learning to let go, we create space for new opportunities and experiences to enter our lives.

Imagine yourself as a river flowing freely downstream. When you allow yourself to release what no longer serves your highest good, you become like water effortlessly navigating its way through obstacles. You open yourself up to transformation and growth.

The Paradox of Impermanence and Permanence

Life is a delicate balance between impermanence and permanence. On one hand, everything in this world is subject to change – relationships evolve, careers shift, and even our own bodies transform over time. Nothing stays the same forever. Yet, amidst all the flux, there are certain aspects of life that seem unchanging.

Consider the mountains that stand tall through centuries or the stars that twinkle in the night sky for eons. There is a sense of stability in these elements of nature, an enduring presence that defies time itself. It is within this paradox – the coexistence of both impermanence and permanence – that we find deep insights about existence.

Impermanence teaches us to embrace change with open arms, to let go of attachments and expectations. It reminds us to appreciate each moment because it will never come again. In contrast, permanence provides a sense of grounding—a reminder that some things remain constant despite external circumstances.

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Finding Peace in the Transience of Life

Life is a constant ebb and flow, an ever-changing journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. In this transient nature of life lies the opportunity to find peace amidst chaos. When we learn to embrace impermanence, we open ourselves up to a deeper understanding of our own existence.

The first step in finding peace in the transience of life is acceptance. It’s about acknowledging that change is inevitable and instead of resisting it, we can choose to go with the flow. This doesn’t mean surrendering or giving up, but rather allowing ourselves to adapt and evolve as circumstances shift around us.

Another important aspect is learning to let go. Holding onto past experiences or clinging onto what was once familiar only hinders our growth and prevents us from fully embracing the present moment. By releasing attachments, whether they are physical possessions or emotional baggage, we create space for new possibilities and opportunities.

Lessons from Nature on Impermanence

Nature teaches us valuable lessons about impermanence. Just take a moment to observe the changing seasons – the vibrant blooms of spring giving way to the lush greenery of summer, which eventually fades into the fiery hues of autumn before embracing the stillness of winter. Each phase in nature’s cycle is temporary, reminding us that nothing stays the same forever.

The flowing rivers and crashing waves also embody impermanence. They are constantly moving and evolving, never staying in one place for long. We can learn from this constant motion by recognizing that change is inevitable and embracing it rather than resisting it.

Even mountains, seemingly unchanging over time, slowly erode due to wind and water erosion. This reminds us that even things we perceive as solid and permanent are subject to transformation.


In this journey called life, we often find ourselves desperately clinging to what is familiar and comfortable. But the truth is, nothing in this world is permanent. Change is the only constant, and embracing impermanence can lead us to a path of growth and freedom.

When we resist change or hold on too tightly to things that are meant to pass, we create suffering within ourselves. We become trapped in our own attachments and expectations, unable to fully experience the beauty and potential of each moment.

By accepting that everything – whether it be relationships, circumstances, or even our own selves – will inevitably change, we open ourselves up to endless possibilities. We allow room for personal growth and transformation.

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